
Innovative & creative communication agency


Good search engine optimization gives you greater visibility on the web.

The SEO optimization of the Agence événementiel website required technical expertise and skills. Such work should preferably be carried out as early as the technical design of the website, or as part of your marketing strategy.

By optimizing your website, you’ll increase its visibility and attract new customers.

The foundations of good SEO are the relevance and quality of your content, user experience (UX Design), website speed, internal and external links and authority.

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Search Engine Optimization – SEO


Your community manager must be good at getting people to react positively to your brand.


Tips, tricks and indispensable tools to effectively market online and approach prospects.


It is essential to focus on the user and customer experience: UX and CX for those familiar with these techniques.

The success of a web project is strongly influenced by its management. From graphic design to ergonomics and SEO, a site like Fabrication Promotionnel owes its success primarily to organization.

  • Definition of precise, achievable objectives
  • Co-creation practice
  • Definition of a dashboard and monitoring of KPIs
  • Regular, agile project monitoring

What’s special about web project management is that it requires both rigor and creativity. Whether it’s creating a website (e-commerce site, catalog site, e-boutique), creating a blog or even graphic design (logo creation, graphic charter, etc.), everything needs to be prepared in advance! You need to plan everything in advance as part of your digital strategy.